The Go Text Protocol
A communication protocol used to control Go-playing programs. Gomill uses only GTP version 2, which is specified at
(As of February 2011, the specification describes itself as a draft, but it has remained stable for several years and is widely implemented.)
The Smart Game Format
A text-based file format used for storing Go game records.
Gomill uses version FF[4], which is specified at
A Go rule prohibiting repetition of preceding positions.
There are several possible variants of the superko rule. Gomill does not enforce any of them.
A program implementing the ‘referee’ side of the GTP protocol.
The GTP protocol can be seen as a client-server protocol, with the controller as the client.
A program implementing the ‘playing’ side of the GTP protocol.
The GTP protocol can be seen as a client-server protocol, with the engine as the server.
A problem in which an agent has to repeatedly choose between actions whose value is initially unknown, trading off time spent on the action with the best estimated value against time spent evaluating other actions.
Upper Confidence Bound algorithms
A family of algorithms for addressing bandit problems.
Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees.
A variant of UCB for bandit problems in which the actions are arranged in the form of a tree.