The sgfmill.sgf_moves module contains some higher-level functions for processing moves and game positions.
(They are the sort of thing you might need to implement ‘load SGF’ and ‘save as SGF’ features in a Go-playing program.)
Return type: | tuple (Board, list of tuples (colour, move)) |
Returns the initial setup and the following moves from an Sgf_game.
The board represents the position described by AB and/or AW properties in the SGF game’s root node. ValueError is raised if this position isn’t legal.
The moves are from the game’s leftmost variation. Doesn’t check that the moves are legal.
Raises ValueError if the game has structure it doesn’t support.
Currently doesn’t support AB/AW/AE properties after the root node.
If the optional board parameter is provided, it must be an empty Board of the right size; the same object will be returned. This option is provided so you can use a different Board class (see Interface_for_get_setup_and_moves for what it needs to implement).
See also the example script.
Adds AB/AW/AE properties to an Sgf_game‘s root node, to reflect the position from a Board.
Replaces any existing AB/AW/AE properties in the root node.
If you wish to use your own board class, see Interface_for_set_initial_position for what it needs to implement.
Adds a PL property to an Sgf_game‘s root node if appropriate, to indicate which colour is first to play.
Looks at the first child of the root to see who the first player is, and sets PL it isn’t the expected player (Black normally, but White if there is a handicap), or if there are non-handicap setup stones.