List of SGF properties¶
Sgfmill knows about all general and Go-specific SGF properties defined in FF[4]:
Id | SGF type | Meaning |
AB | list of Stone | Add Black |
AE | list of Point | Add Empty |
AN | SimpleText | Annotation |
AP | SimpleText:SimpleText | Application |
AR | list of Point:Point | Arrow |
AW | list of Stone | Add White |
B | Move | Black move |
BL | Real | Black time left |
BM | Double | Bad move |
BR | SimpleText | Black rank |
BT | SimpleText | Black team |
C | Text | Comment |
CA | SimpleText | Charset |
CP | SimpleText | Copyright |
CR | list of Point | Circle |
DD | elist of Point | Dim Points |
DM | Double | Even position |
DO | None | Doubtful |
DT | SimpleText | Date |
EV | SimpleText | Event |
FF | Number | File format |
FG | None | Number:SimpleText | Figure |
GB | Double | Good for Black |
GC | Text | Game comment |
GM | Number | Game |
GN | SimpleText | Game name |
GW | Double | Good for White |
HA | Number | Handicap |
HO | Double | Hotspot |
IT | None | Interesting |
KM | Real | Komi |
KO | None | Ko |
LB | list of Point:SimpleText | Label |
LN | list of Point:Point | Line |
MA | list of Point | Mark |
MN | Number | Set move number |
N | SimpleText | Node name |
OB | Number | Overtime stones left for Black |
ON | SimpleText | Opening |
OT | SimpleText | Overtime description |
OW | Number | Overtime stones left for White |
PB | SimpleText | Black player name |
PC | SimpleText | Place |
PL | Colour | Player to play |
PM | Number | Print move mode |
PW | SimpleText | White player name |
RE | SimpleText | Result |
RO | SimpleText | Round |
RU | SimpleText | Rules |
SL | list of Point | Selected |
SO | SimpleText | Source |
SQ | list of Point | Square |
ST | Number | Style |
SZ | Number | Size |
TB | elist of Point | Black territory |
TE | Double | Tesuji |
TM | Real | Time limit |
TR | list of Point | Triangle |
TW | elist of Point | White territory |
UC | Double | Unclear position |
US | SimpleText | User |
V | Real | Value |
VW | elist of Point | View |
W | Move | White move |
WL | Real | White time left |
WR | SimpleText | White rank |
WT | SimpleText | White team |