Source code for gomill.ascii_boards

"""ASCII board representation."""

from gomill import boards
from gomill.common import column_letters

def render_grid(point_formatter, size):
    """Render a board-shaped grid as a list of strings.

    point_formatter -- function (row, col) -> string of length 2.

    Returns a list of strings.

    column_header_string = "  ".join(column_letters[i] for i in range(size))
    result = []
    if size > 9:
        rowstart = "%2d "
        padding = " "
        rowstart = "%d "
        padding = ""
    for row in range(size-1, -1, -1):
        result.append(rowstart % (row+1) +
                      " ".join(point_formatter(row, col)
                      for col in range(size)))
    result.append(padding + "   " + column_header_string)
    return result

_point_strings = {
    None  : " .",
    'b'   : " #",
    'w'   : " o",

[docs]def render_board(board): """Render a gomill Board in ascii. Returns a string without final newline. """ def format_pt(row, col): return _point_strings.get(board.get(row, col), " ?") return "\n".join(render_grid(format_pt, board.side))
[docs]def interpret_diagram(diagram, size, board=None): """Set up the position from a diagram. diagram -- board representation as from render_board() size -- int Returns a Board. If the optional 'board' parameter is provided, it must be an empty board of the right size; the same object will be returned. Ignores leading and trailing whitespace. An ill-formed diagram may give ValueError or a 'best guess'. """ if board is None: board = boards.Board(size) else: if board.side != size: raise ValueError("wrong board size, must be %d" % size) if not board.is_empty(): raise ValueError("board not empty") lines = diagram.strip().split("\n") colours = {'#' : 'b', 'o' : 'w', '.' : None} if size > 9: extra_offset = 1 else: extra_offset = 0 try: for (row, col) in board.board_points: colour = colours[lines[size-row-1][3*(col+1)+extra_offset]] if colour is not None:, col, colour) except Exception: raise ValueError return board